The Facom Jet.7M5 Jet3 series 7 drawer cabinet is a rugged, highly durable storage cabinet. It has five 60mm high drawers, one 130mm high drawer and one 200mm high draw. It provides plenty of storage space and practicality, being set on four caster wheels for ideal manoeuvrability, and is suitable for all workshops and garages.
Supplied with 12 partitions for 60mm drawers and 4 partitions for 130mm drawer.
5 modules per drawer.
5 x 60mm high drawers.
1 x 130mm high drawer.
1 x 200mm high drawer.
Total Load Acceptable in the Drawers: 265kg.
Useful Storage Volume: 255 litres.
Overall Size: 100 x 115.4 x 54.6cm.